April 3, 2022
FTP will be down for a few days as I data wrangle files from old drives to new ones. In the meantime I can only ask for your patience.
A RAID 5 was setup on a recently acquired Mercury Elite Pro Quad. It is populated with four certified (via OWC SoftRAID) 4TB Toshiba N300 drives. Going forward this will act as the main data driver for the FTP Server. The data on the old drives in a YottaMaster enclosure are being transferred to the Mercury. In the near future Carbon Copy Cloner will be purchased and deployed to ensure the Mercury is regularly backed up to a yet to be purchased hard drive. I contacted Bombich to understand how to best conduct backups in this configuration.
Specs on the FTP server
files have been purged using find . -name ‘.DS_Store’ -type f -delete
and the following command was issued to prevent them from spawning, defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
. This shouldn’t matter too much in the way of performance or even having to cope with seeing these files as the FTP software already masquerades them but these files are not necessary.If you have any comments, suggestions or other ideas please reach out.