

February 12, 2020

capture page details

Some Macintosh related PDFs were also downloaded separately.

proxima.com on web.archive.orgproxima.com on web.archive.org

Macintosh related PDF files were downloaded.

Command lines

command line used to download contents

wayback_machine_downloader -s -d url.com_IA -c6 --only "/\.(pkg|as|hqx|cpt|bin|sea|sit|sitx|dd|pit|pdf)$/i" url.com

command line used to generate the contents list

find /path/to/parent/dir -not -name '.*' -type file -exec basename {} \; | tee filename.file_list.txt

command line used to generate tree directory

tree -N -shQDF --charset /path/to/parent/dir | tee filename.tree.txt


AppleScript used to set Safari’s browser window bounds before taking a screenshot.

tell application "Safari"
  set bounds of front window to {300, 30, 1024, 768}
end tell