

February 12, 2020

capture details

command line used to download contents

tardis.ed.ac.uk on web.archive.orgtardis.ed.ac.uk on web.archive.org

Command lines

command line used to download contents

wayback_machine_downloader -s -d url.com_IA -c6 --only "/\.(pkg|as|hqx|cpt|bin|sea|sit|sitx|dd|pit)$/i" url.com

command line used to generate the contents list

find /path/to/parent/dir -not -name '.*' -type file -exec basename {} \; | tee filename.file_list.txt

command line used to generate tree directory

tree -N -shQDF --charset /path/to/parent/dir | tee filename.tree.txt


AppleScript used to set Safari’s browser window bounds before taking a screenshot.

tell application "Safari"
  set bounds of front window to {300, 30, 1024, 768}
end tell